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ap Cunobelin Genealogy and ap Cunobelin Family History Information

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  • Adminius ap Cunobelin (c.-10 - 40)
    Adminius is the historical basis of Manogan father of Beli. This explanation shows how this error came to be. ADMINIUS ap LLUD-LUD-LLAWBIRTH: Abt 62 B.C. in Montgomeryshire, Powys, WalesDEATH:FATHER: L...
  • Caractacus Gweirdd ap Cunobelin, King of the Catuvellauni (10 - c.60)
    Arvirargus (or Arviragus) was a legendary, and possibly historical, British king of the 1st century AD. A shadowy historical Arviragus is known only from a cryptic reference in a satirical poem by Juve...
  • Genuissa, Queen of Siluria (c.15 - d.)
    Venissa ( Genissa , Genvissa , Genuissa ), according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's 12th century Historia Regum Britanniae , was a daughter of the Roman Emperor Claudius , whom he gave in marriage to the Br...
  • Guiderius ap Cunobelin (c.-17 - 44)
  • Togodumnus ap Cunobelin, of Catuvellauni & Dumnonii (c.-8 - 43)
    Togodumnus (d. AD 43) was a historical king of the British Catuvellauni tribe at the time of the Roman conquest. He can probably be identified with the legendary British king Guiderius.

About the ap Cunobelin surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the ap Cunobelin surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the ap Cunobelin surname.

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