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ap Gwilym Genealogy and ap Gwilym Family History Information

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  • Adda Moel ap Gwilym (c.1265 - d.)
    Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of Madog ap Idnerth; ; [#54;72]. (Steven Ferry, June 12, 2021.)
  • Adda Moel ap Gwilym (c.1330 - d.)
    Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Welsh Ancestry of the Tudor Dynasty; . (Steven Ferry, April 8, 2020.) Please see Darrell Wolcott: Pedigree of Madog ap Idnerth; ; [#91;110;111]. (Steven Ferry, June 20,...
  • Ales Dalton, of Althorp (bef.1430 - 1483)
    From >He [Gwilym ap Gruffudd of Penrhyn] m., before 1447, Ales , daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Dalton of Apthorp, Northants.; the marriage almost certainly reflects the Stanley connection, for Al...
  • Alice Wolf (c.1500 - d.)
    See Peter Bartrum, (AUgust 31, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator) Please see Peter Bartrum: Hywel Gwyn; & Wolf 2; (Steven Ferry, December 14, 2023.)
  • Alice ferch Hywel (c.1485 - d.)
    Please see Peter Bartrum: Hywel Gwyn; (Steven Ferry, December 14, 2023.)

About the ap Gwilym surname

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