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Ara Genealogy and Ara Family History Information

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  • Arilena Ara
    Arilena Ara (Albanian: [a%C9%BEi%CB%88l%C9%9Bna ˈaɾa]; born 17 July 1998) is an Albanian singer and television presenter. Ara rose to national recognition in Albania, upon her victory at X Factor Alb...
  • Awny FitzMaurice (1497 - 1537)
    Amy Mac-I-Brien-Ara was the daughter of Turlogh Mac-I-Brien-Ara.1 She married, firstly, James FitzMaurice FitzGerald, 10th Earl of Desmond, son of Maurice FitzThomas FitzGerald, 9th Earl of Desmond.1 S...
  • Ture Ara (1903 - 1979)
    Ture Ara syntyi ruotsalaisille vanhemmille Tukholmassa, mutta eli lapsuusvuotensa kasvattivanhempiensa luona Käkisalmessa, kansallisbiografia. Kasvatusäiti leski Johanna Fredrika Åberg (Sjöblom) ja hän...
  • Casimiro Ara (1813 - 1883)
    Casimiro Ara (Trino, 19 febbraio 1813 – Il Cairo, ottobre 1883[1]) è stato un politico italiano.
  • Renato Dall'Ara (1924 - 1982)
    Renato Dall'Ara (Rovigo, 11 aprile 1924 – Rovigo, 1982[1][2][3]) è stato un regista e sceneggiatore italiano.

About the Ara surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Ara surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Ara surname.

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