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Arden Genealogy and Arden Family History Information

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  • Agnes de Arden (1241 - d.)
  • Alice Arden (1516 - 1551)
    Alice Arden (1516–1551) was the daughter of John Brigantine and Alice Squire, who conspired to have her husband, Thomas Arden of Faversham, murdered so she could carry on with a long-term affair with a...
  • Alice de Beauchamp (c.1284 - d.)
    Her son, Ralph Arden, 17 Edward II was "certified to be one of the principal Esquires in this county". Origins BEAUCHAMP OF ESSEX. ARMS — G. a Fefs between Six Martlets O. with proper difference. ...
  • Alice Davenport (c.1340 - 1403)
    A history and genealogy of the Davenport family, in England and America, from A. D. 1086 to 1850 .. (1851)* Davenport of Wheltrough was the second son of Sir Thomas Davenport of Davenport, by Agnes de ...
  • Catherine Devereux (c.1558 - 1627)
    'Catherine Arden1 --- or was she Katharine ?* 'F, #438027, d. 20 November 1627*Last Edited=18 Jul 2010* ' Catherine Arden was the daughter of Edward Arden.2 She married Sir Edward Devereux, 1st Bt., so...

About the Arden surname

Cecil Arden m. Pearl Ingram