Artois ,is the country of Atreba people ,who may be related to Arotreba ( Aru-Atreba ) tribe of Hispania,
called also Artaber .
Arta-Ber may be interpredeted as a contraction from Artai -Brit ,whereby Artaios ( Artawi ) was the
original name of Persian ,as said ,before Perseys .
This might have formed into Artois ,instead of naming in of the Atreba version,as Artawis .
Artabers might have belonged to the people of king Arthur of the Britons ,both on the island and in the continent ,
.His name - or rather title - might be derived from Artu-Ur ,that would point to the state of Ur-Artu ,
the ancient Persian / Artawi state ,documented at least in the last 1000 years BC .
Its capital was Tushpa ,that might correspond to Ortospana ( Or-Toshpa-Na ) ,now called Kabul,
in the country of Parsawa people,now called Afghan .
The place might be named after As-She-Pa-Tawa-Ha ,son of king Ed-Da-ya-Wa-Da of the Holy Land of America ,
from a woman called E'eba-Wat-Talla .
Her son thus may be called as Afghans do ,Malik Talut .
Kings of Urartu thus and of the Artaber or Atreba people may be descended from tthe aforesaid
son of the king of the Golden City of Hiero-Solyma.
In the British kings' genealogies he might appear as Cunedagi ,father of Rivallo ,grandfather of Gurgusti ,
of whom Ghurghusht tribe of Afghans may be descended .
Rivallo though seems to be identical with A'alla-Wa-Sha-Yag-Ra ,a brother of As-She-Pa-Tawa-Ha .
Atre-Ba themselves may of part be descendants of Atreys of Lydia ,from the family of Pelops,
and as At-Reba may be related to the founders of Rabat in Marrocco and to Oro-Rebate tribe in America .
Afghana may be interpreted as Afer-Ghana too .
See Karabag,Hennings,Ghana,Afghani,Ardo,Rostás,Gödri,Juif,Mujahid,Alcoy,Gáldi,Szergényi,Bodó,
Drust,Dresden,Dresdner,Durst,Reuther,Barber,Dadler,Ferguson,Rabat,Wolf,Lupescu,Oro ,Moro,Lődi,
Zeman,Plop,Marchante,Potur,Kaj,Budík,Hannofer,Zimbabwe and others !
Balázs Déri