Böhm family may trace its origin back to A-Bawa-Tel-Lag-Hem-Ma son of Shalam-Ma'a from the family of Ak-a-la-ba and his wife A'ab-Pa-Ra-te-Ha of whom country of Bohemia and in it its capital Praha was named : Bawa-Hem.
He may be identical with or be an ancestor of Telamón from Salamis whose son founded after the war of Troia the city of Salamis in Kypros ( Ku-I-Per,where periku tribe settled out from ) - where people of Mekka-Yapán belong to - called the Isle of Aphrodite identical with A'abparateha : A'ab-Pa-Ha-Ra-(Wadi)-Te,ancestor of telami and itelmen tribes in America and in Asia respectively.
His family just like all bul'gárs spoke Japanese language related to alan-blák as well,while the ancestress of kings of Yamato - named of his fellow tribal man A-Wa-ya-Te-Ma - called Sun Goddess Amaterasu ( Amatelasu ) may have also been his descendant coming from the city of A-Bawa-Tel-Lag-Hem-Ma.
Shalam-Ma'a's brother Agha-Ra-Pa is ancestor of som other founders of Prague.
Jews and christians call them Beyt-Lekhem,Shalma',Kaleb,Efratah,Yotam.
See Prager,Csepregi,Miszlai,London,Schöniger and others !
Balázs Déri