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  • 1st wife of George Barlow (c.1623 - bef.1662)
    from the BARLOW site at by Sheryl Clark "In his (Georges) will he names the children as Aaron, Moses John and Nathan ..dated 1684, from his 2nd marrage to Jane Bessey. From his f...
  • Aaron Barlow (c.1645 - 1715)
    from Barlow, the first known son of George Barlow and his unknown first wife, was born around 1645 but his birthplace is not known. He arrived with his father at Sandwich, Massachusetts, around 1657 wh...
  • Aaryn Barlow
    Aaryn Barlow is a former politician (for the Green Party) and businessman.
  • Abigail Denton (1677 - 1730)
    ID: I393404 Name: Abigail BARLOW Given Name: Abigail Surname: Barlow Sex: F _UID: 632C06CE7BA410449A1DE0FF5A8A340A8EB0 1 Birth: 1671 Father: John BARLOW b: ABT 1630 in Fairfield, Fairfield County, Con...
  • Abigail Parker (1599 - 1639)

About the Barlow surname

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