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Bayard Genealogy and Bayard Family History Information

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  • Abigail Martha Bayard (1762 - 1850)
  • Lieut. Gov. Alexis "Lex" Irenee du Pont Bayard (1918 - 1985)
    Alexis I. du Pont BayardIrénée du Pont "Lex" Bayard (February 11, 1918 - September 3, 1985) was an American lawyer and politician from Rockland, near Greenville, in New Castle County, Delaware. He was ...
  • Anna Maria Bayard (1670 - 1726)
    Wife of Augustus Jay Father: Balthazar BAYARD b: 1640 in Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands Mother: Marietje LOOCKERMANS b: 03 NOV 1641 in New City, Rockland, New York, United State...
  • Ariaentie Verplanck (1667 - d.)
  • Balthazar Bayard (1641 - c.1705)
    marriage in DRC===Balthazar Bayert

About the Bayard surname


Bayard Name Meaning nickname for a reckless person, from Middle English, Old French baiard, baiart ‘foolhardy’ (the name—a derivative of baie ‘reddish brown’—of the magnificent but reckless horse given to Renaud by Charlemagne, according to medieval romances). metonymic occupational name for a carrier, from Middle English, Old French baiard, baiart ‘hand barrow’, ‘open cart’.