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Bochner Genealogy and Bochner Family History Information

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  • Chaya Bochner (deceased)
    "Die Familie Teomim", by Leopold Lowenstein: "A daughter was married to R. Salomon, rabbi in Pintschow (1742) and Neufeld (d. c1761).... Their son Zbi Hirsch, son-in-law of Chajim Jona Teomim II , was ...
  • Hart Bochner
    Matthew Bochner (born October 3, 1956) is a Canadian actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. He has appeared in films such as Breaking Away (1979), Rich and Famous (1981), The Wild Life (1984)...
  • Lloyd Wolfe Bochner (1924 - 2005)
    en.wikipedia... ; Personal life and death Bochner was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to a middle-class Jewish family.[1] He was married to Ruth Roher Bochner , a concert pianist,[2][3] until his deat...
  • Rabbi Shlomo Bochner (ABD Chrzanow) (c.1752 - 1828)
    Descendant of the Megaleh Amukos, Maharam of Padua, Rashi, Hillel HaZaken and Dovid HaMelech. JUST WITHOUT A DOUBT the high point in the rabbinical history of Chrzanow is occupied by its first and most...
  • Leizer Bochner (deceased)

About the Bochner surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Bochner surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Bochner surname.

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