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Borgia Genealogy and Borgia Family History Information

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  • Alessandro Borgia (1783 - 1872)
    Fra' Alessandro Ponziano Borgia (October 30, 1783, Velletri, Papal States – January 13, 1872, Rome) was the leader of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as Lieutenant of the Grand Master from 1865...
  • Cesare Borgia (1475 - 1507)
    Cesare Borgia, Duca di Valentinois (September 13, 1475 – March 12, 1507), Duke of Valentinois was a Spanish-Italian condottiero, lord and cardinal. He was the son of Pope Alexander VI and his long-term...
  • Gianpiero Alighiero Borgia
    Gianpiero Alighiero Borgia (Barletta, 6 agosto 1972) è un regista teatrale e direttore artistico italiano.
  • Giovanna Cattanei, Vannozza (1442 - 1518)
    - in 1442, most likely in Mantua,[3] Vannozza moved to Rome where she was landlady of several inns (Osterie),[4] at first in the Borgo, then in Campo de' Fiori. Before becoming Borgia's mistress, she a...
  • Lucrezia Borgia, duchessa di Ferrara, Modena e Reggio (1480 - 1519)
    Lucrezia BORGIA (April 18, 1480-1519 June 24) was the daughter of Rodrigo BORGIA, the powerful Renaissance Valencian who later became Pope Alexander VI, and Vannozza dei CATTANEI. Her brothers inclu...

About the Borgia surname

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