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Burnett Genealogy and Burnett Family History Information

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  • Abigail Burnett (1666 - 1698)
  • Abrahm B. Nanweshmah Burnett (1812 - 1870)
    His name was Charles Smith , a lawyer and Senator of Virginia. The face belongs to Gordon Smith, a large man plagued with pain/Residential School System affect. GORDON SMITH - SON OF WILLIAM GRAY SMITH...
  • Agnes Moir (1629 - 1686)
    Find-a-Grave Memorial #121286881, located at: and ANDREW BURNET, brothers, Burgesses of Aberdeen d 13 Sept 1644. ALEXANDER BURNET baillie of Aberdeen son to Thomas d 29 Apr 1685, sicklytes AGNES MOIR h...
  • Alexander Burnett (1613 - 1685)
    Find-a-Grave Memorial #121286816, located at: of KirkhillThe first of Kirkhill, in the parish of Dyce near Aberdeen, was Alexander Burnett (1620–1685), the son of Thomas Burnett, merchant, and his wife...

About the Burnett surname

From Stirnet's "Burnett01" page: "This family was in England before the Conquest and so was probably of Saxon origin. It achieved some importance in Wiltsthire, Bedfordshire, etc.. The first known was ... <Burnard, who was alive in 1086.>"

Also from Stirnet's "Burnett01" page: "The branch of this family that we focus on in this page <Burnard/Burnet/Burnett of Leys> was descended from a descendant of one of the above, possibly the last Roger <a second great grandson of the aforementioned Burnard>, who settled in Scotland in the 12th century. The first on record of this branch was ... <Alexander Burnard, who was alive in 1323.>"

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