There are already 197 users and over 7,930 genealogy profiles with the Burnham surname on Geni. Explore Burnham genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
* Abigail Burnham Phelps* BIRTH 16 Dec 1696* Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA* DEATH 2 Jan 1723 (aged 26)* Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA* BURIAL * Bridge Street Cemet...
Marriage to Benjamin Choate Reverend: (23 May 1707 — Age: 16) Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States* Updated from Ancestry Genealogy via son Benjamin Choate by SmartCopy : Sep 12 2015, 0:24:04 UTC
in 1645, the sibling quintet of Jane, Agatha, Martha, Eleanor and Alice emigrated to America and their Uncle William was charged with finding them suitable husbands. This he dutifully did within the st...
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