There are already 303 users and over 8,959 genealogy profiles with the Calhoun surname on Geni. Explore Calhoun genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Agnes Long, daughter of Joseph Long & Ann, m. 18 Oct 1749, in Abbeville Dist., SC, to William Calhoun. She was killed in the Long Cane Massacre, near Troy, South Carolina, on February 1, 1760.==Family=...
Share some things about Rev. Alexander Calhoun
Notable Southern Families, Volume I, Page 46 (attached). Comment: There is an account of the Calhoun family, primarily that of John C.Calhoun...
Calhoun (November 21, 1900 – June 3, 1966) was an American silent film actress.Film starBorn Alice Beatrice Calhoun in Cleveland, Ohio, she made her film debut in a role not credited in 1918 and went o...
Birth: Feb. 22, 1859 Ashe County North Carolina, USA Death: Jun. 18, 1940 Green Cove Washington County Virginia, USAThe daughter of James Porter Calhoun and Harriett Wright; she married Lee Hurley 15...
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