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Capet-Valois Genealogy and Capet-Valois Family History Information

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  • Catherine de Valois, of France, Countess of Charolais (1428 - 1446)
    Catherine de France (1428-1446) de Valois ou Catherine de France, née en 1428, morte le 30 juillet 1446, fille de Charles VII, roi de France, et de Marie d'Anjou.Elle épouse à Blois le 19 mai 1440 Char...
  • Charles Capet-Valois, "Le Téméraire", Duke of Burgundy (1433 - 1477)
    Charles de Valois-Bourgogne, dit Charles le Téméraire (Dijon, 10 ou 11 novembre 14333 – Nancy, 5 janvier 1477) est, après Philippe II le Hardi, Jean sans Peur et Philippe III le Bon, le quatrième et de...
  • Isabelle de Bourbon (1436 - 1465)
    Isabella of BourbonIsabella of Bourbon (1436 – September 25, 1465) was the second wife of Charles the Bold, Count of Charolais and future Duke of Burgundy. She was a daughter of Charles I, Duke of Bour...
  • Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy (1446 - 1503)
    Links: The Peerage Geneall Wikipedia Genealogy4u Margaret of York and Charles the Bold (1468) Despite the protests of France's Louis XI, who was fearful of an alliance between the English a...

About the Capet-Valois surname

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