Capua in Italy was founded by successors of Kapys ( Ka-Apu- i ) from Troia ,from the family of Zeys ,likeliest ancestor of all Cayapo tribals anywhere in the world .
His known son was Ankhisés,father of Aineias ( Awinewiwa ) ,who left Troia ,that might well have stood in the place of today's Teotihuacan in the Holy Land ,after the war for it,about 1627 b.c.,and went to a place where king Latinos reigned over Aborigo peoples . This place might have been what is now known as Australia . Much later Ashhurians attacked the kingdom of the twelve tribes and made them go to exile into Eurasia . This might be the occasion Troians also got to Europe and to italy where they have their cities newly built under the same names the ones ruined by the agressors bore ,and this might have happened to Capua too . At the same time or little later some of Aineias' dedcendants seemingly moved from Australia to Japan , where they became known as Ainu people ,called by Aineias' name there . Others went to river Indigirka,named after Aineias ,called also Iuppiter Indiges ,some further into Siberia to Ostyaks ,yet others in the Mediterraneum colonized Ybiza and Catalunya ,as well as many other places Latins have ever been to .
So successfully,that even the Assyrian dynasty might well consisted from Troians .
Kapui-Bo and Ar-i-Kapu tribes may also descend from one of the consequent Kapys' of the dynasty , although of different langauges at the present .
See Nogay,Ibiza,Tull,Rusznák,Rusnák,Romano,Kapy,Italiano,Oblat,Szergényi,Indig,Bruder,Dadler,Ashkenazi, Zsidó,Zsiday,Zsédenyi,Viszáki,Politzer,Munk,Nachmann,Hackel,Kohn,Kran,Krenák,Kranzthor,Brodnik and more !
Balázs Déri