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Cavanagh Genealogy and Cavanagh Family History Information

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  • Ann (Young) Cavanagh - Parker [Convict "William Pitt" 1806] (1786 - 1876)
    Ann YOUNG was born c1786Ann married Peter CAVANOUGH and they had the following children* 1 child (Ann was heavily pregnant with a child at the time of her conviction)Ann was convicted of vagrancy (with...
  • Charles Cavanagh, {Australian Immigrant} (1820 - 1891)
    GEDCOM Note ===The name Cavanagh is commonly spelt Kavanagh. It is derived from the Irish Caomhanach and is attributed to the Mac Murrough family of Leinster. The name is still numerous in Country Wexf...
  • Duncana Cavanagh (1861 - d.)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 2 2016, 7:27:09 UTC
  • Emma Elizabeth Cavanagh (1854 - 1943)
  • Jerome Cavanagh, 68th Mayor of Detroit (1928 - 1979)
    Jerome P. Cavanagh, born in Detroit, June 16, 1928, was the Mayor of Detroit from 1962-1970. The victory was a complete upset against the incumbent, Louis Miriani, and at the time, Cavanagh was the you...

About the Cavanagh surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Cavanagh surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Cavanagh surname.

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