There are already 577 users and over 24,391 genealogy profiles with the Chase surname on Geni. Explore Chase genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Chase Jr’s wife was not Elizabeth (or Mary) Holder. She was born 4 Jan 1665 and is much too young to have married William. I have detached William Chase’s 1st wife as child of Christopher Holder, Sr. a...
2nd wife of William Chase, Jr. (b by 1627-1684)Married by 1670 in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Plymouth Colony. Children's birth dates may be estimated. There are scant extant records. Notes * there is no evide...
in Revolutionary War - Captain Jonathan Poor's Company from Newbury, Essex, MA. He was the husband of Hannah Morse and the father of Captain Thomas Chase. "(CHASE (Chace)) Abil, s. Thomas, jr. and Emme...
Abial Chase, dau. of William Chase and Anna Green, was born 1764. She married with JAMES LAMOS.Child: Lydia (9/4/1791 NH-11/23/1863; m. Obed Pease on 4/11/1811 in Starksboro, Vt., removed to Illinois; ...
Abigail Sherman was born in September 1680.1 She was the daughter of John Sherman and Sarah Spooner. Abigail Sherman married Nathaniel Chase, son of William Chase and Hannah Sherman, circa 1703 in Dart...
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