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Corvinus Genealogy and Corvinus Family History Information

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  • Dr. theol. Antonius Anton von Raben Corvinus (1501 - 1553)
    Corvinus, Antonius (1501-1553)(my directly 13 th.greatrandfather and the 6 th.greatgrandfather of Wilhelm Lotze)Antonius Corvinus (Rabe), a Lutheran divine, was one of the most important reformers of N...
  • Beatrice Frangepán, Gräfin von Hunyadi, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Ansbach, (1480 - 1510)
    Beatrica Frankopan (*1480. – †27. ožujka 1510.), hrvatska velikašica iz obitelji knezova Frankopana, supruga hrvatskog bana Ivaniša Korvina. Hrvatska => Frankopani i Zrinski => Autor teme: Marica - Tra...
  • Bianca Maria Sforza (1472 - 1510)
    Maximilian's third wife was Bianca Maria Sforza (1472–1510) – they were married in 1493, the marriage bringing Maximilian a rich dowry and allowing him to assert his rights as imperial overlord of Mila...
  • János (Ivaniš) Corvinus (Korvin), Graf von Hunyadi (1473 - 1504)
    - Ivaniš Korvin (1473. – Krapina, 12. listopada 1504.), hrvatski ban (1495. - 1498.). Izvanbračni sin ugarsko-hrvatskog kralja Matijaša Korvina. Vjenčao se početkom 1496. godine s Beatricom Frankop...
  • Laurentius Johannis Corvinus (b. - 1655)
    1640–1852 Henkilötiedot: 1640/41 Lars Corvinus Laurentius Johannis, Ostrobotniensis 149. Vht k e n t i e s: Iin kirkkoherra Jöns (Johannes Henrici, johon on liitetty sukunimet Lithovius ja Corvinus, † ...

About the Corvinus surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Corvinus surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Corvinus surname.

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