Crespon families may be descended from and named for Kresphontés ,descendant of the Persian Héraklés ,
who ,as Kareesphoonat ,may also be the forefather of Kare(h)phona' tribe among the Carribeans of the
Holy Land of America .
His ancestors were,Zeys,father of Perseys ,father of Alkaios ,father of Amphitryón ,father Alkaidés later given
the name Héraklés after an earlier one ,father of Hyllos ,father of Kleodaios ,father of Aristomakhos ,
father of himself ,Kresphontés,who returned to the Peloponnésos together with the Hérakleids in about 1444 BC
and became the king of Messéné .
Peloponnésos in this context,before the exile of peoples of the Holy Land of America by the Assyrians in the 8th
and by Babylónians in the 7th centuries BC ,which brought also the ancestors of modern Greeks back to the
Mediterraneum ,might have referred to the mainland of South America ,in contrast with the islands in front of it ,
called therefore Antillas ,that may correspond to the islands in the Aigaian Sea in the earlier myths .
Zeys ,in this genealogy ,may be identical with ZKRW ,called so in the Byble ,from the tribe of BNWMWN ,
the youngest of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the Native Americnas,called therefore
Dionys by Greeks ,who might also have been a Zeys-Krés ,that is of Kréta ,and as such might be known in
the Asian Persian traditions as Jamshid ,which name derives from Yama(n)-Kshéta ,in which Yaman is the Aigyptian
equivalent of Zeys ,and Kshéta is a corruption from Kréta - like Ksháh may come from the Aigyptian Krawa-Ha .
He might have been also Krishna in India ,ancestor of Krishana peoples in Amazonia .
ZKRW was namely the son of WRKhM ,who may be the same as Orkhamos in Hellás ,from whom Persian rulers
were though to have descended .
So Orkhamos -Zeys -Perseys is the same lineage as WRKhM-ZKRW-...RM .
The latter ,RM was namely the father of cMWNDB ,who may be identical with Persés ,son of Perseys ,
and may be called so after his mother ,Perseys' wife ,Andromeda ,who might have been A(g)-Ned-Da-Ra-Wa-Me-Da ,
and hence himself Ag-Ra-Me-Wa-Ned-Da-Ba ,that is son ( Ba) of Andromeda .
Perseys ( Payer-Sewui ) himself may be the progenitor of Supaye ( Sewu-Payer ) tribe among Caribbeans ,
and his grandson ,Amphitryón ( Ampshi-Triuwoon ) ,father of Héraklés ,that of those called Trio .
Caribbeans in general may be descended from the earlier Héraklés ,.one of the twelve "gods" ,that is one of the
twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,named apparently after these "gods" ,or rather planets of the
Solar System ,namely the one called in the Byble as WShShKR ,for whom the langauge of the speakers of Euskera
language in Vascony is called so .His originaly territory might well have been in the state of Oaxaca named for him ,
where some have apparently emigrated from to the Antillas and then to South America to be called Caribe there .
The Persian Alkaidés might thus have been given the name of the first Héraklés ,of WShShKR ,the Caribe ancestor ,
for some reason ,likely due to marriage connection of his or of his father or ancestors .
Kresphontés ( Kar-Eespahawan-At ) ,whose descendants later might have founded the city of Espahán in the Asian ,
new Persia ,and named for him ,married from the tribe of Arkas ,who might have been the son of the same Zeys
as his ancestor ,Perseys ,from another woman .
These women were Kallistó ,the Pelasg ,and Danaé ,the Aigyptian ,later married to Pilumnios ,from the same family of
Pelasgos .
So Caribbeans in general ,among them the Karee(h)phona' tribe and others ,may be the succesors of Hérakleids ,
namely of those descended from the earlier Héraklés ,after whom they may be called Criol ,
and from the later named after the earlier ,from the tribes of WShShKR and BNWMWN respectively .
The majority of them were exiled first by Assyrains and then by Babylónians ,and this might have happened with
the descendants of Kresphontés ,sonme of whom were brought to or went voluntarily to Iran ,
others to Arabia ,where they might have been there among the kings with the title Mu-Karrib in Yemen ,
and others to Vascony and Acquitany ,where they might have founded the families of Crespon.
See Crespón,Crespo,Criol,Oaxaca,Isfahani,Vasco,Vázquez,Amiens,Narbon,Baranyai,Crespi,Ruski,Permyakov,
Shabo,Bajor,Igala,Gallego,Galego,Baji,Böhm,Csépai,Chiapas,Guipúzcoa,Alaba,Araba and more !
Balázs Déri