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About the Curtis surname


"The surname Curtis originated from the Middle English word curteys or cortyes (Old French, curteis) and was given as a nickname, meaning 'the courteous one'. Chaucer writes of his Squier 'Curteys he was, lowly and servisable'. It was perfectly natural that a soubriqueet of this character should be retained and it became a popular surname from the 13th century downwards. The earliest forms can be observed in the rolls (Rotuli Hundredorum) containing lists of all the taxable persons of each county in England, taken by the order of Edward I. In a Hundreds Roll of the County of Cambridge taken in 1273 we find, for example, a William le Curteis, and in Northunberland a Richard Curtayse." "It has been found through the researches of Dr. C.E. Banks that the Scituate Curtises came from Ash [this village should not be confused with another village of the same name in Kent], near Sandwich, in the County of Kent, England and by the unusual name of the emigrant mother, Richardene, the widow of Thomas Curtis and subsequently the wife of Thomas Chambers, the family could quite positively be identified. " He was said to be of Ash, Kent. children1. Thomas CURTIS, b. Abt 1560, Ash Juxte, Sandwich, Kent, England2. Edward CURTIS, b. Abt 15653. Gabriel CURTIS, b. Abt 15674. Sarah CURTIS, b. Abt 15725. John CURTIS, b. Abt 15776. Mary CURTIS, b. Abt 1582 He was "a well-to-do yeoman living successively at Worth, Ewell, again at Worth, and finally at Ash, where he died and was buried December 11, 1631, having made a will which named his wife executrix (Consistory Cant. xvii, fo. 51). Unfortunately this will is missing from the files, but the inventory is extant which shows the large property valued at L. 426-16-0. Of the parentage of Thomas Curtis, the elder, nothing certain can be stated. An ancient and well-known family of this name was resident of Appledore, Kent, as early as 1450, and several descendants were mayors of Tenterden, from whence came several emigrants to Scituate, but extensive search fails to find a place for this Thomas in it. This Appledore-Tenterden Curtis family were armigerous and appear in the "Herald's Visitations." With all the evidence available it is the author's opinion that he is probably identical with the Thomas, son of John Curtis of Folkestone, Kent, who was baptized in that parish November 28, 1574, having younger brothers William and John, which were the names given to his own children. " His father is also said to have been "John (will proved 1690), of Boston, County Middlesex, N.E.; mariner; belonging to His Majesty's Ship the English 'togger'; m 1610, Elizabeth Hutchings". The father of John is said to be William, of Walton, Warwick County, Eng. whose father was Eustis, of Malestock, who father was William of Malestock, who father was John Curtis of Malestock. "No record of the marriage of Thomas Curtis and his second wife, Richardene ___ has as yet been found. In view of the fact that the Worth records show that one wife died in 1615 and that Thomas Curtis (the younger) was baptised in 1619, it would seem most likely that the second marriage took place at Worth. The record of this marriage, however, was not found at Worth by Banks." "John, #4 died unmarried and intestate sometime before 1680 and by a Court Order of June 1, 1680 [2, VI:39] his estate was divided into five parts, viz. ' In reference vnto the dispose of the estate of John Curtice, of Scittuate, late deceased, the Court haue ordered, that it shalbe diuided into fiue ptes, weheof two ptes therof is disposed unto his eldest brother, Thomas Curtice, liueing att Yorke, in the Province of Maine, . . . " ==============The said father & emigrant was bapt. in the parish church of Nazing, County Essex, Eng. Register: Baptisms: John Curtis Sept. 15, 1577. This John Curtis was son of William Curtis whose will in the Commissary Court of London, proved July 9, 1584." William Curtis will: Commissary Court of London; an original will, proved on July 9, 1585."In the name of God Amen the 10th day of May in the year of our Lord 1585. I Willm Curtis of ye pish of Nazing in ye county of Essex sick of bodie but of good memorie God have prays do make & ordeyn this my last Will & Tesmt in form following first I bequeath my soule into the hands of All mughtie god beleving to be saved by the death of Jhesus Christe & I yeald my body to the Earth in hope of the resurrection wth the iust in the day. Concerning my wordly good I geve & Bequeath the as followeth. Itm I geve to the poore of the pish of Nazing 20 shillings of lawfull english mony to be distributed unto them at the discrecon of my Executors. Itm I geve & bequeath to Sara Curtis my daughter the sum of ten pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd unto here at the day of her mariadge. Itm I geve & bequeath to Edward Curtis my son 10 pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd unto hym at his adge of 21 year. Itm I geve & bequeath to Gabriell my soon the sum of ten pounds of lawfull english mony to be payd to him in like mannr at his adge of 21 yeares. Itm I geve & Bequeath to John Curtis my yongest soon 20 markes of lawfull english mony to be payd also to him at his adge of 21 yeares. Itm geve to my daughter Mary the sum of forty shillinges of lawfull english mony to be payd unto her wthn two moneths next after my deceasse. Ite my will & mynde is that all these legasies heere before geven shalbe payd out of my moveable goodes wthout the house as Corne cattells grain or any such like thing whatsoever & I will that the overplus of the sayd moveables (these legasies above said being discharged) be equally devyded between Agnes my wife & Thomas Curtis my eldest son excepting out of my sayd bequest two of my best lambes wch I geve to my daughter Maryes two children. Concerning my howsehould stuff I do whollie geve the same to Agnes my wife & I make & ordeyn my said wife and Thomas Curtis my son my Executors to see my will truly fulfilled my debts payd & funeralls discharged. And I desire my good freend goodman Bannister & my brother Geordg Curtis to be oversears of this my laste will & Testmt.Witnesses John Bannister George Curtis and John Hopkins (recorder) (A Genealogy of the Curtiss-Curtis Family of Stratford, Connecticut - Harlow Dunham Curtis)

other versions of this surname

other possible versions of this surname

family of Essex and Middlesex

Curteys/Curteis family of Kent