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de BELVOIR Genealogy and de BELVOIR Family History Information

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  • Frane de Belvoir (c.960 - c.1000)
    Bloemfield notes that he was fl (Latin flourit, living) in 979.The identity of this Frane (sometimes written as Frame or Fresne) is uncertain. One point of contention is whether he was Saxon or Norman....
  • Geoffrey de Todeni / Toeni / Tosny / Toni of Belvoir (c.1068 - d.)
    Son of Robert I de Tosny and Adeliza FitzOsulf. May have died young or without issue. Little is known. GEOFFREY . After the death of his wife Adela, Robert de Belvoir donated “land in Sapertune” to Bel...
  • Osulf "fil Frane" du Plessis, seigneur (c.979 - c.1067)
    Birth and death dates are approximations. Was documented as living and as an adult as of 1036 [In the Battle of Beaumont-le-Roger, in 1036, Onfroi de Vieilles fought against Roger de Toeni, and his clo...
  • Tor de Belvoir (c.935 - d.)
    When Tor de Belvoir was born in 0940, in Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire, England, his father, Hamilton Burgaine de Plessis, was 19 and his mother, Wife Of Hamilton Burgaine de Plessis, was 20. He marri...

About the de BELVOIR surname

There seems to be some discrepancy in the profiles for "Frane de Belvoir" and his son "Osulf fils Frane de Belvoir". According to the profiles both father and son were born in approximately 980.

Could it be be possible that the original titleholder "Tor de Belvoir" refer to "Thorkell the Tall" - Earl of East Anglia?