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de Bourbon-Vendôme Genealogy and de Bourbon-Vendôme Family History Information

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  • Antoinette de Bourbon-Vendôme (1493 - 1583)
    Antoinette of Bourbon, Duchess of Guise (25 December 1494 – 22 January 1583), was a French noblewoman of the House of Bourbon. She was the wife of Claude of Lorraine, Duke of Guise. Life Antoinette d...
  • Catherine de Bourbon Vendôme (1490 - 1530)
    → Catherine de Bourbon (her mother) → Jeanne, Dame de Rubempré (her mother) → Françoise de Mailly (her mother) → Adrien de Mailly (her father) → Marie de Bréban (his mother) → Marie de Namur (her mothe...
  • Elisabeth de Bourbon-Vendôme (1614 - 1664)
    Wikipedia.... Élisabeth de BourbonFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Élisabeth de Bourbon (1614–1664))Jump to: navigation, searchÉlisabethDuchess of NeumoursSpouse Charles Amadeus,...
  • François de Bourbon-Vendôme, II. duc de Beaufort (1616 - 1669)
    çois de Vendôme, Duc de Beaufort (16 January 1616 – 25 June 1669) was the illegitimate grandson of Henry IV of France. He was also cousin to Louis XIV. He was a prominent figure in the Fronde, and late...
  • Jeanne, Dame de Rubempré (1480 - aft.1552)
    → Jeanne, Dame de Rubempré (her mother) → Françoise de Mailly (her mother) → Adrien de Mailly (her father) → Marie de Bréban (his mother) → Marie de Namur (her mother) → Catherine de Savoie de Vaud (he...

About the de Bourbon-Vendôme surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Bourbon-Vendôme surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Bourbon-Vendôme surname.

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