There are already 298 users and over 8,691 genealogy profiles with the de Grey surname on Geni. Explore de Grey genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Agnes de Grey
Birth: Circa 1365 - Heton, Northumberland
Death: Oct 25 1420
Parents: Thomas Grey, III, Margaret Grey
Husband: Sir Thomas de Umfreville
Children include
Margaret Constab...
Agnes de GREY, daughter Sir Reynold de GREY Lord Grey of Wilton and Maud de la VACHE, 1, 2, 3 was born 1342 in Wilton, Herefordshire, England.
She married Sir Robert de CLIFTON Knight on ...
Agnes GREY was born 1533, and died 30 SEP 1616. She was buried 2 OCT 1616 in St. Nicholas' register, Newcastle. She was the daughter of Thomas GREY and Dorothy OGLE, their 2nd daughter.===FamilyFrom ma...
Agnes de Beyle
Died Aft 13 Sep 1322
Family Sir Thomas de Grey, of Heton, b. Abt 1275/1280, d. Bef 12 Mar 1343/1344 (Age ~ 68 years) Married Bef 28 Oct 1312
“Agnes de Beyle married Sir Thomas Gre...
Alice De Grey born 1332 Daughter of John 3 rd Baron Lord Grey of Codnor married Sir William De Everingham Robert De Everingham son Joan Dr Everingham Daughter Catherine De Everingham Daughter born 1365 married John Etton 4 children
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