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de Marle Genealogy and de Marle Family History Information

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  • Adèle, dame de Marle (c.1030 - c.1106)
    Ada is believed to have been Heiress of Coucy since upon her divorce from Aubry de Beaumont the control over Coucy passed to her second husband Enguerrand. Medlands Coucy is located in the commune of C...
  • Antoinette L'Huillier (1520 - 1620)
    Lhuillier was daughter of Jehan, Sieur de la Motte-Desgry, a counselor in the Parliament of Paris, and of Demoiselle Louise Lemaistre. [1][2]She married Claude de Marle July 20, 1545. The marriage cont...
  • Ermengarde de Montaigu (c.1085 - bef.1108)
  • Gideon Marle (1580 - 1655)
    Ben notes: The Mellott-Eastman family tree has this person listed as "Merle Marle". I am certain that this is describing two variations on the last name, rather than someone named Merle. There is a bir...
  • Gilette De Marle (c.1420 - aft.1450)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 20 2016, 10:57:03 UTC

About the de Marle surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Marle surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Marle surname.

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