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  • Albertine Adrienne de Saussure (1766 - 1841)
    Albertine Adrienne de Saussure (1766, Geneva - 1841, Vallée du Salève, near Geneva) was a Swiss writer and educationalist and an early advocate of education for women. She was the daughter of the disti...
  • Anne de Pierre (deceased)
    Anne de Pierre was the daughter of the lord of Chamel in the Dauphiné, France. In 1566 she married Claude de Saussure. They had four sons and two daughters. After their marriage, probably in Geneva (wh...
  • Antoine de Saussure (1514 - 1569)
    Antoine de Saussure was born in 1525 to Mongin Chouel de Saulxures and wife Catherine Warin de Clemary. He was one of eleven children, but his name is the only one that has survived. He was most likely...
  • Antoinette d'Augy, dame de Sorcy (c.1520 - d.)
    Antoinette d'Augy was born c.1520 in Lorraine, France. She married Antoine de Saussures c.1538. She had six children before fleeing France due to Huguenot persecution, the seventh while fleeing, and th...

About the de Saussure surname

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