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de Taisson Genealogy and de Taisson Family History Information

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  • Alberada de Moulins (deceased)
    The writers of the time made Guimond de Moulins one of the bravest captains of his time, but endowed with a turbulent and violent character. From his wife Emma, Guimond de Moulins had at least 9 chi...
  • Raoul de Roche-Tesson (1000 - 1066)
    "Old" Ralph and his wife Alpais probably arrived in Normandy between 1017 and 1024. The base of their power became the Cinglais, a small largely forested region situated to the south of Caen between th...
  • Agathe Taisson (1778 - d.)
  • Cecile Tousson (deceased)
    Fm fmgMedlands v) CECILE Taisson . "Letitia de Sancto Salvatore, qui fui uxor Jordani Tesson" donated property to the abbey of Hambie, witnessed by "Jordano Tesson filio meo, Roberto de Monte acuto mil...
  • Christine Taisson (1751 - d.)

About the de Taisson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Taisson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Taisson surname.

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