Regarding Verdun of England and Ireland, the surname of Verdun was first found in Buckinghamshire where they were descended from
Bertram de Verdun, a Norman baronial name from Verdun, near Avranches in Normandy, where they were descended form the Counts of Verdun (speculative), and came to England in 1066 and was granted Farnham Royal in that shire. Tradition has it that on the day of the Coronation of William I, he provided a glove for the King's right hand. In 1095 he served as Sheriff of York. He also held lands in what is now known as Alveton or Alton in Staffordshire (https://www.houseofnames.com/de+verdun-family-crest).
In Normandy the name of Verdun appears for the first time in 1076 in a charter of Guillaume fitzWimund of Avranches, with Ernesius de Verdun, canon of the Cathedral St. Andrew of Avranches and Bertram de Verdun, of Farnham Royal.
The ancestral land of Verdun was located south of Avranches, Normandy, on parishes of Saint-Martin-des-Champs (where a place is still named Verdun, Rue de la Baie, 50300 Saint-Martin-des-Champs, Avranches, France), Saint-Quentin-sur-le-Homme et Le-Val-Saint-Père, on the north bank of the Sélune River, as it appear in two chart of 12th century.
Chart of William Paynel (son-in-law of William fitzWimund d'Avranches) 1145 : " ... et tria pondera ceræ in monte sancti Michaëlis, et totum meum sal de Verduno, et pasnagium porcorum ejusdem abbatiæ, ... teste Algaro Constantiensi episcopo, cujus admonitione hoc opus incœpi, et teste Theoderico abbate de sancto Laudo, et Rogero, et Gisleberto, et Philippo archidiacono, Roberto de Hambeia, et Rogero de Lusoriis, et Hugone de Novavilla, et Silvestro et Thoma Paganellis, et Johanne Paganello, et Willelmo de Verduno, et Johanne de Gaureyo, et Willelmo de Tresgoz, et aliis multis."
« Acte 1887 », dans SCRIPTA. Base des actes normands médiévaux, dir. Pierre Bauduin, Caen, CRAHAM-MRSH, 2010-2019. [En ligne] https://www.unicaen.fr/scripta/acte/1887
Chart of Henry de Fougères, 1150 : " ... Iterum concessi eidem ecclesie et monachis Savignei terram cum pertinenciis suis que inter vineam eorum de Campo Botri et vetus stagnum de Verdun et inter Groleium et viam de Ponte Albaudi et de Abrincis ; quam terram dedit eis Durandus de Groleio et Andreas filius ejus et Radulfus et Robertus atque Robertus et Girondus atque Guillelmus nepotes ipsius. Concessi etiam eis in Verdun totam terram cum pertinenciis suis quam dedit illis Hugo filius Ansketilli cum factus est conversus ecclesie Savigneii, concedente Ranulfo filio ejus, concedente etiam Erneisio filio Roberti de Verdun domino suo et Gisleberto sacerdote et Petro et Galtero et Gisleberto patruis ejusdem Erneisii ... "
« Acte 9022 », dans SCRIPTA. Base des actes normands médiévaux, dir. Pierre Bauduin, Caen, CRAHAM-MRSH, 2010-2019. [En ligne] https://www.unicaen.fr/scripta/acte/9022
The de Verdun - Verdon family of England, Normandy & Ireland: http://www.de-verdon.uk/
Medieval Lands, English Lords T-Z: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISHNOBILITYMEDIEVAL3T-Z.htm#_T...
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertram_de_Verdun
French Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famille_de_Verdun
Mark S. Hagger: Fortunes of a Norman Family: The de Verduns in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316
Four Courts Press, 2001 https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/2731 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/8763970.pdf
Domesday Book on line: https://opendomesday.org/name/bertram-of-verdun/
Verdun family Ydna haplogroup on FamilyTreeDNA : https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-FT66305/notable