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Echols Genealogy and Echols Family History Information

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  • Abraham Blair Echols (c.1700 - 1749)
  • Ann Echols (aft.1692 - aft.1749)
    ID: I15732 Name: Ann ECHOLS Surname: ECHOLS Given Name: Ann Sex: F Birth: ABT 1692 in Amelia, Virginia, USA LDS Baptism: 26 Dec 2002 Temple: MADRI Endowment: 15 Jan 1994 Temple: ARIZO Sealing Child: 29...
  • Eleanor Smith (1704 - bef.1771)
    One of John Echols daughters married a Murphy, possibly William Murphy, one of the "outlandish men" she and her sisters married. A man of this name appeared briefly in Amelia County lawsuits in the 173...
  • Elizabeth "Betsy" (Wynne) Echols (1741 - 1777)
    Elizabeth Echols formerly Wynne Born 1741 in Virginiamap ANCESTORS ancestors Daughter of William Wynne and Frances (Reade) Wynne Sister of Thomas Wynne, William Wynne, Margaret (Wynne) Hendrick, Robe...
  • Elizabeth Lester (1765 - 1802)

About the Echols surname

The name Echols is part of the ancient legacy of the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. It is a product of when the family lived in Eccles which was in both Norfolk and a parish near Manchester.

The language was changing, incorporating pieces of other languages, and the spelling of names changed with it. Echols has been spelled many different ways, including Eccles, Ecles, Eckles, Eyckles, Accles, Ackles and others.

First found in Lancashire where they held a family seat from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.