There is a Srir Willialm Edmonstone of Duntreath born 1585, who is married Isabel Hoden of Dintreath born 1589. They begat Jean Edmonstone born 1611 at Duntreath. Jean married Sir Robert Adair born 1583 in Ballymane, Antrim and begat Jean Adair born 1631 in Genoch, Antrim, Ireland. Jean Adair was the Paternal Grandmother of Thomas Adair born 1680 in Antrim and who Migrated to AMerican in 1730 to Chester, PA.
The American Adairs believe that Jean Edmonstone is a direct lineal descendent of King Robert Bruce Iii of Scottland.
I have traced The Male line of Sir William Edmonstone of Duntreath born 1425 and the grandson one King Robert Bruce III and son of Princess Mary, born 1380 through through Sir James Edmonstone of Duntreath born 1535. I am attempting to link his offspring to Sir William born 1585. I can't believe there is not a direct link, but the path is not well documented so far.