There are already 817 users and over 17,244 genealogy profiles with the Epstein surname on Geni. Explore Epstein genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
ביטוח לאומי - דף הנצחה
Aharon was one of the youngest students at the yeshiva. Despite this he progressed well in his yeshiva studies. His father, Rabbi Ephraim Fischel Epstein, was a Rov in Ch...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Epstein, Alice born on 14th October 1896 in Bingen / - / Hessen resident of BingenDeportation: from Mainz-Darmstadt 25th March 1942, Piaski, ghetto
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Epstein, Anitageboren am 05. Januar 1926 in München / - / Bayern wohnhaft in MünchenInhaftierung: 06. August 1941, Unterschleißheim, Zwangsarbeitslager Flachsr...
Anna Ekston (aastani 1925 Epstein; 17. september 1908 Tartu – 24. detsember 1992 Tallinn) oli eesti baleriin, ballettmeister ja pedagoog. Ta õppis Berliinis, Pariisis ja Moskva koreograafiakoolis. Aast...
Max Epstein, Melbourne Australia, married to Sarah Honig
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