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  • André François (1915 - 2005)
    é François (9 November 1915 – 11 April 2005), born André Farkas, was a Hungarian-born French cartoonist.He was born to an Hungarian family in Temesvár, Austria-Hungary (now Timişoara, Romania), He stud...
  • Hana Hegerová (1931 - 2021)
  • Helenár - Halenár Erzsébet (1801 - d.)
    A mormon egyház honlapján található adatok alapján:Anyaként azonos, vagy nagyon hasonló névvel és Farkas József (Josephus, Joseph, Jösef) feleségeként 5 keresztelési esemény részese(i) lehet(nek) az ad...
  • Federico Farkas (1933 - 2003)
    Federico Farkas (Catania, 1º febbraio 1933 – Roma, 5 dicembre 2003) è stato un giornalista e sindacalista italiano, ex direttore de L'Ora.
  • István Farkas (1887 - 1944)
    officially changed to Farkas 1914 Az engedélyt tartalmazó BM rendelet száma/évszáma: 196568/1914Farkas (October 20, 1887 in Budapest; died July 1944 in the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau) was a ...

About the Farkas surname

Farkas Name Meaning and History

  1. Hungarian: from the old secular personal name (later also ecclesiastical name) Farkas.
  2. Hungarian: nickname from farkas „wolf” (Latin: „Lupus”).
  3. Slovenian, Czech, and Slovak (Farkaš): nickname from Old Slavic farkaš „wolf”, a word of Hungarian origin.
  4. Jewish (from Hungary): translation of the Yiddish personal name Volf meaning „wolf”, or else an ornamental adoption of the Hungarian word.


  1. Romanian (Farcaş or Farcas)
Farcaş (Farkas) is a typical Hungarian name meaning „wolf”.

* The name of „Farkas” kenéz (kneaz) (according my knowledge) is the first reference in a diploma from 2 July 1247, issued Béla IV Hungarian king.

He made a donation for Rembard, the Order of Saint John’s grand master. In the diploma Béla IV granted territories from Banate of Severin areas, which ruled earlier (under the Hungarian King) „Farkas kenéz”. See:ş

  • According the next document the Farkas’s name shows it, that from the kneazes a lot were Hungarian.

„A Szörényi Bánság és Szörény vármegye története /M. T. Akadémia Könyvkiadó Hivatala, Budapest 1877./ Szerző Pesty Frigyes, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia rendes tagja /p.17-18./”


  • Farkas is a Last Name in Hungarian and a First Name too.
  • „Farkas” is the First Name:

-Johann Wolfgang Ritter von Kempelen de Pázmánd (Hungarian: Kempelen Farkas) /Farkas - Hungarian/>/Wolfgang - German/;

  • „Farkas” is the Last Name:

- Farkas Bertalan (Hungarian), in the name of Bertalan Farkas the first Hungarian cosmonaut
- Michaele Farkas jurato de Posonio

 diplom (16 Aug. 1441) from Ulászló king of Poland&Hungary&etc	

Search: „1441-09-10”

  • Surname Farkas in Hungary: 83,405 (0.8%) (2009)