There are already 171 users and 2,720 genealogy profiles with the Feinstein surname on Geni. Explore Feinstein genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Feinstein, Bianka geborene Goldberg geboren am 15. Mai 1884 in Schneidemühl / - / -Emigration: NiederlandeDeportation: ab Westerbork 16. Februar 1944, Bergen-B...
Dianne Feinstein was an American politician who served six terms as United States senator from California, since winning a special election in 1992. Since 1993, she had been the state's senior senator....
en.wikipedia.... ; * Dee Caruso (April 7, 1929 – May 27, 2012) was an American television and film screenwriter and television producer, whose credits included Get Smart, The Monkees and The Smothers B...
Feinstein (nee Cooklin) is a prize-winning poet, novelist, playwright, biographer and translator.She was born in Liverpool , educated in Leicester, and won an Exhibition to read English at Newnham Coll...
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