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  • Abraham Frankfurter (c.1555 - 1610)
    Pascal Faustini:mentionned 1585 until 1610 in tax rollslate married in 1604 no child known né entre 1555 et 1565...
  • Akiva Frankfurter-Gugenheim (c.1525 - c.1597)
    NOTE: On the Ele Toldot record he is referred to as Akiva Frankfurter, and his father as 'Lehrer' Yakov (i.e. Yakov the teacher). For some reason unknown to me his pedigree (going all the way back to A...
  • Anna Frankfurter (1872 - 1940)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Frankfurter, Anna geboren am 29. September 1872 in Hamburg/Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in Lübeck (Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Strecknitz) DEPORTATION ...
  • Ella Frankfurter (c.1535 - 1594)
    née vers 1530 et décédée le 30/8/1596 selon rvkDoD could be 8/22/1594
  • Felix Frankfurter, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1882 - 1965)
    Born in Vienna, 1882: Num. 4017 Wien Frankfurter, Felix to Samuel Leopold Frankfurter and Emma Winter. Wikipedia Felix Frankfurter (November 15, 1882-February 22, 1965) became an Associate Justice of ...

About the Frankfurter surname

Frankfurt alias Heleno-Polis was founded by a prince called Frank in about first century b.c.. He reigned at some segments of frank nation in general descending from Fer-Anak father of Ak-Helen from the tribe of Ze-Be-Laya-Na founder of Belize in spiritual sense inhabited by his offspring now called maya people. Levites in the company of that tribe spoke celtic variant of levite language usually called indo-european nowadays.

Jews and christians read Parnak,Khalon and Zebulon.

See Frank,Katzander,Politzer,Anarcsy,Kraus,Kohn,Förster,Fölsinger,Trond,Burgund,Hamburger !

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