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Gaul Genealogy and Gaul Family History Information

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  • Anna Grove Ely Peirce Gaul (1888 - 1971)
    Anna Grove Ely (Robison) Peirce Gaul, d/o William Shelburn and Mary Hutter (Ely) Robison, was married (first) to Eugene W. Peirce with whom she had 2 daughters, Anna Mary Gibson and Jeanne Margaret Lau...
  • Anna M. Gaul (1889 - 1966)
    Note: , Ref: Cemetery Records
  • Benjamin Frederick Gaul (1888 - 1959)
    B. Frederick Gaul, s/o Benjamin F. and Martha (Herr) Gaul, married (first) Margaret A. Gaul with whom he had 3 children, Constance, Benjamin and Ethel Gaul, and (second) Anna G. E. (Robison) Peirce Gau...
  • Bertha Mae Berghof (1883 - 1930)
    Bertha Mae (Gaul) Morris Berghoff, daughter of Benjamin F & Martha M (Herr) Gaul, was married first to Edward Morris with whom she had 2 daughters, Florence and Beatrice. Her second husband was Lewis B...
  • Civita T. Gaul (1889 - 1989)

About the Gaul surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Gaul surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Gaul surname.

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