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  • Adéline George (1837 - 1912)
  • Albert Pakamanakwad George (1847 - d.)
    Albert George is #557 on the 1907 Wooster Roll. He is the brother of Thomas George who is #487 on the same 1907 Wooster Roll. Albert George's traditional name is listed as "Pakamanakwad" meaning "Comin...
  • Alfred George (1843 - 1928)
  • Alfred George (1863 - 1954)
  • Alianora ‘Eleanor’ St. George (1410 - aft.1419)
    Fathers seen as Sir William Arundel & also seen as Sir Richard de Arundel (FitzAlan) Biography Eleanor FitzAlan, who married William St George and who was named in her father's will. Also known as A...

About the George surname

This notable surname is of Ancient Greek origins, although for very obscure reasons, the patron saint of England.. Deriving from the Greek name "Georgios" meaning a farmer, the name was used in Europe throughout the early Christian period, being associated with a martyr of the 3rd century, supposedly killed at Nicomedia in the year 303. The popularity of the name increased greatly at the time of the famous Crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries, when it became the practice for returning crusaders and pilgrims to name their children after biblical figures from the Old Testament. (St) George figured largely in this revival, and when King Edward 111rd of England founded the Order of the Garter in 1348, he did so under the assumed patronage of St. George. Since the 12th century a.d., and the begining of the introduction of surnames, the surname has developed over two hundred spelling forms ranging from George, Jorg, Georgius, Zorzi and Hurche, to Gerge, Horick, Jorat, Yegorov, Djordjevic, Yegorchenko, and Gyurkovics! Early examples of the surname recording taken from authentic registers and charters include, Everadus Georgii of Hamburg, Germany, in the year 1256, and William George, in the London registers, dated 1412. William Georgeson was a landholder in Scotland, having the tenancy of Coupar Grange, in 1471, whilst Henry George, aged 19 yrs., was one of the first settlers to the New World, being recorded in Virgina in 1635. The first known recording of the family name anywhere is that of Hugo Georgii, of the county of Norfolk, England, in 1222 a.d.

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