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Goldschmidt Genealogy and Goldschmidt Family History Information

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  • Abraham HaLevi Goldschmidt-Stadthagen (bef.1632 - 1685)
    Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : May 14 2016, 3:48:54 UTC GEDCOM Note ===Bio notes: Død ca. 1685 i Emden, Østfrisland.=== GEDCOM Note ===
  • Abraham Goldschmidt (1866 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Goldschmidt, Abrahamgeboren am 01. April 1866 in Sterbfritz / Schlüchtern / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in SterbfritzDeportation: ab Kassel-Chemnitz 07. September 1...
  • Abraham Goldschmidt (1892 - 1944)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Goldschmidt, Abraham Abram geboren am 02. Oktober 1892 in Heubach / Schlüchtern / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in FuldaInhaftierung: 10. November 1938, Schutzhaft an...
  • Abraham Aron Goldschmidt (1884 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Goldschmidt, Abraham born on 20th February 1884 in Heubach / Baden-Württemberg, resident of Nürnberg and Fulda Imprisonment: 10th November 1938, protective ...
  • Abraham Goldschmidt - Hameln (c.1646 - d.)
    From Nancy High:Abraham, son of Josef Hameln, was not born in Denmark and as the second child of Josef and Freude, he should not be born as late as 1636, but I won’t have a specific date to offer until...

About the Goldschmidt surname

Documentary proof of their existence since the year 1700 in Hesse. Their home was Raboldhausen and Muehlbach near Hersfeld. Adopted Motto :"The parents blessings will create houses for their children". Genealogical Tracing: Jakob ben Levy, born 1719 in Raboldshausen, was mentioned in the official protection list for Jews on October 13th, 1744 in Raboldshausen; he did not have children. Isaak ben Levy lived in Raboldshausen from 1742 until 1808 and was mentioned in the official protection list on October 13th, 1767. He was married to Veilchen Katz; their youngest son Hirsch was the first one of his brothers who adopted the name Goldschmidt in the family. Public documents evidence that his brothers Jakob, Wolf and Samuel changed their names to Goldschmidt some time later.