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Greenfeld Genealogy and Greenfeld Family History Information

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  • Hana Greenfield (1926 - 2014)
    Biography: Her book in PDF: Hana Greenfield (nee Lustig) was the daughter of Karel Lustig (b. 2/10/1892) and Maria Lustigova (b. 4/16/1902). Hana was born on November 3, 1926 in Kolin, C...
  • Joshua Joseph Greenfeld (1928 - 2018)
    Josh Greenfeld, an Oscar-nominated screenwriter who was also acclaimed for three forthright books about his autistic son, died on May 11 in Los Angeles. He was 90.His oldest son, the writer Karl Taro G...
  • Shaul Yechezkel Greenfeld (Litchiker), "Magen Shaul" (c.1794 - 1849)
    Mechaber Sefer Mugen Shaul Lived in Lúčky, Slovakia ביתו של רבי שאול ליטשיקער It is now a restaurant POTRAVINI רבי שאול ליטשיקער - אייוועלט
  • Grunfeld (deceased)

About the Greenfeld surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Greenfeld surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Greenfeld surname.

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