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Griffin Genealogy and Griffin Family History Information

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  • A. Lunsford (1640 - d.)
  • Abigail Green (c.1687 - d.)
    Filmer Green is mentioned as one of the two older sons of Thomas Green and Martha Elizabeth Filmer (date 1662 assigned) in Amelia, Virginia Colony . He married Mary Walker [1] [2] He had at least 7 ch...
  • Abigale Jane Chevers (1630 - 1665)
    Abugale Jane Chevers (born Griffen) Daughter of Thomas Griffen and Jane Griffen Wife of Thomas Chevers, Sr Mother of Jane The Elder Gibson (Chevers),-Top 5 PED Slave History Lesson/Shikori Cheraw; Thom...
  • Ada Mullins (1899 - 1953)
    Ada Griffin Mullins BIRTH 8 Dec 1899 DEATH 20 Jun 1953 (aged 53) Pickens County, Georgia, USA BURIAL County Line Cemetery Jasper, Pickens County, Georgia, USA MEMORIAL ID 76821212 · View SourceMEMORIA...

About the Griffin surname


from Private User

Griffin is a surname of unrelated families. Both my mother and father came from unrelated Griffin families.

My mother's Griffin Family:

In England Griffin is often a place name meaning someone lived near, say, a pub with a picture of a griffin (the second most common animal in British heraldry).

My father's Griffin family:

In Ireland there are two major unrelated Griffin families, one (my father's) based around Waterford and Tipperary which migrated from Wales around 1100 AD as "Griffith" and changed the name to "Griffin" and a larger Griffin family centered around Kerry where Griffin is used as the anglicized form of a Gaelic name.

other versions of this surname