There are already 394 users and over 8,022 genealogy profiles with the Grobler surname on Geni. Explore Grobler genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Hy is oorlede van 'n gebarste blindederm. Hy was eers op die plaas Mooifontein begrawe en later her-begrawe op Standerton. Death notice TAB MHG 83165 'Huwelik/Marriage
Volgens dogter se sterfkennis word die van as Grobler aangegee en volgens sy eie as Grobbelaar.
Judi Marais-Meyer
Sterfkennis van dogter SJC Marnewick TAB MHG 17164
Nicolaas Marthinus Johannes Grobler born 17/04/1874 at Beaufort West Cape, South Africa. Died on 13 December 1959 and buried Benoni South Africa.
This person was my grandfather. Kind regards. Nicolaas Grobler
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