Some Gutmann families may be descende from Alatheus ( Ala-Tshe) ,chief of the Goths - succeeded by the peoples mixed with Khazarians and modernly labelled as Jews - ,who have emigrated from Ucraine to the territories of today's Bolgaria and Hungary with his Gothic and of part Alanian people about 100 ,that is according to current aera about 1489 .
Alla-Che in the Araucanian language Gothic nobility is supposed to have spoken approximately means Good-Man and this might have been translated into Gothic / Yiddish as Gutmann by the family descending from him .
See Alács,Hübschmann,Niedermann,Karpel,Mühlstein,Gutstein,Arauco,Chango,Csángó,.Kipcak, Karaim,Karaimov ,Strauss,Türk,Edelmann,Rakowitz,Kaminka,Kamenka,Katscher,Dolgan,Kaufmann, Graufeld,Aladár and many others !
Balázs Déri