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Ha'Levi Horowitz Genealogy and Ha'Levi Horowitz Family History Information

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  • Malka Horowitz, [of Chortkov] (c.1680 - 1788)
    It seems that "Kloizner" as a family name is a mistake (as pointed out by Chaim Friedman), and it should be Kalusziner, from Kaluszyn, a town east from Warsaw where her son Yechiel Michel, founder of t...
  • Sarah Horowitz, [1st wife] (c.1630 - 1696)
    Daughter of Moshe Babad, Rabbi of Krakow.
  • Rabbi Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsburg (1726 - 1778)
    Nikolsburg Hasidic dynasty Wikipedia * Shmelke of Nikolsburg Wikipedia* Schmelke Horowitz Jewish Encyclopedia* Samuel Shmelke Horowitz Of Nikolsburg Encyclopaedia Judaica
  • Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow (1615 - 1696)
    Meir Halevi Gover 12/01/2018: NGS performed 2016 for the Rabbi Meir 'Tiktiner' Halevi Horowitz cluster, swabbed by cluster member Rabbi Meir Alter Halevi Horowitz (the Third Bostoner Rebbe) proved posi...
  • Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz of Chorkiv (c.1680 - 1753)
    from Chortkov; son Meir Horowitz & daughter Katz R. Zvi Hirsch Horowitz, ABD Czortkow from 1726 until his death in 1754. He married the daughter of R. Mordecai, son of R. Zvi Hirsch, son of Zechariah M...

About the Ha'Levi Horowitz surname

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