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Halvdansson Genealogy and Halvdansson Family History Information

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  • ?? ??, (Ingebjørg's mother) (deceased)
    The mother of Ingebjørg Haraldsdotter, married to Halvdan jarl is unknown.
  • Alfhild Alfarinsdatter (794 - c.825)
    Nevnt her: Alvarinsdotter (Álfhildur Alfarinsdóttir)(In English: Alfhild Alfarinsdotter)
  • Audi Halvdansson, {Hversum Noreg byggdist} (deceased)
    He is named in the Ættartolur , the genealogy section of Hversum Noreg byggdist .>Ættartolur: " Audi and Budli were sea-kings and each traveled with his army. They came with their troops to Saxland and...
  • Budli Halvdansson, {Hversum Noreg byggdist} (502 - 559)
    He is named in the Ættartolur , the genealogy section of Hversum Noreg byggdist .>Ættartolur: "Audi and Budli were sea-kings and each traveled with his army. They came with their troops to Saxland and ...
  • King Guthroth/Gudrød Halfdansson I (738 - 810)
    GENI NOTE:Very easily confused with Gudrød "Veidekonge"/"Hunterking", son of Halvdan Eysteinsson "The meek"/"Milde", who was the grandson of this guy's brother.Gudrød HalvdanssonKvitbein (Olavsson)MOTH...

About the Halvdansson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Halvdansson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Halvdansson surname.

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