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Hamburg Genealogy and Hamburg Family History Information

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  • Abraham Hamburg (1882 - 1942)
    Kind Abraham Hamburg Geslacht Man Vader Levie Abraham Hamburg Beroep slager Leeftijd 36 Moeder Flora van Gelder Beroep zonder beroep Gebeurtenis Geboorte Datum 17-06-1882 Gebeurtenisplaats ZutphenBruid...
  • Abraham David Hamburg (1811 - 1883)
    Bruidegom: Abraham David Hamburg Leeftijd: 24 Beroep: slager Vader bruidegom: David Levie Hamburg Beroep: zonder beroep Moeder bruidegom: Goldie Bendiks Beroep: zonder beroep Bruid: Gonda van Gelder Le...
  • Anna Salomon Snijer (1800 - 1872)
    Bruidegom: Lazarus David Hamburg Leeftijd: 24 Beroep: Koopman Vader bruidegom: David Levij Hamburg Beroep: Koopman Moeder bruidegom: Gonda Bendiks Beroep:-Bruid: Anna Salomon Snijer Leeftijd: 26 Beroep...
  • Dr. Beatrix Ann Hamburg (1923 - 2018)
    Beatrix Hamburg, who after breaking racial barriers at two major colleges became an important researcher in child development and psychology, working on subjects like school violence and peer counselin...
  • Benedictus David Hamburg (1807 - 1846)

About the Hamburg surname

Rabbi Hirsch/Harris Hamburg --Born 1867 Lithuania. Died 1941 Cardiff. S.Wales. 2nd Reader of Cathedral Road Synagogue, Cardiff. Husband of Bella Grushlavsky ---1865--1908. Father of Miriam Cohen, Gerty Ellenbogen, Leah Levine, Fanny Samuel, and Samuel Hamburg. Second Wife was Sara Gittleson (1877-1921) children were Rebecca and Louis. His sister was Lena Hamburg (1879-1958) married to Daniel Fine. (1872-1962)


Balázs Déri says :

Hamburg.known already in the antiquity as region Byrkhanis ( Bu-Er-Reg-Hani ) ,might have been named by and of Hannibal ,founder of Han dynasty of China under the name Liu Pang,known in America as Lloque Yupangui and in Mongol / Khazara tradition as Burgi-Kitay Margan,ancestor of Burgi-Kin tribe .

Noblemen around Mali called Burkina may also descend from him : Burg-Kina .

See Hamburger,Tulipan,Tavi,Balkar,Türk,Hansen,Kamil,Cygan,Zague,Dickmann, Malinka,Kano and more !