There are already 141 users and over 5,876 genealogy profiles with the Herndon surname on Geni. Explore Herndon genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Herndon was among the names inscribed on the roll of the Battle Abbey as having come with William the Conqueror III to the Holy Land for his escutcheon is carved on a stone gateway in the city of Rhode...
Alice Herndon Stephenson BIRTH 10 Sep 1928 Durham County, North Carolina, USA DEATH 18 Mar 2010 (aged 81) Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, USA BURIAL Woodlawn Memorial Park Durham, Durham County...
Althea Mozelle Edge Herndon BIRTH 17 Apr 1910 Polk County, Georgia, USA DEATH 15 Dec 1988 (aged 78) Polk County, Georgia, USA BURIAL Sanders Cemetery Prior, Polk County, Georgia, USA MEMORIAL ID 10186...
Alvis Maxwell Herndon BIRTH 12 Apr 1909 DEATH 1 Apr 1984 (aged 74) BURIAL Woodlawn Memorial Park Durham, Durham County, North Carolina, USA MEMORIAL ID 138750679 · View SourceMEMORIAL PHOTOS 1 FLOWERS...
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