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  • Abigail Bissell (1638 - 1688)
    (f/g) Abigail Holcomb Bissell*Birth: Jan. 6, 1639 - Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA*Death: Aug. 17, 1688 - Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, USAAbigail Holcomb, dau. of Thomas Holcomb...
  • Amy Boardman (1704 - c.1792)
    Amy Case , daughter of Richard Case and Amy Reade, was born 1703 at Simsbury, Connecticut Colony, and died about 1792 in Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts. She married first on 4 December 1729 to Jo...
  • Ann Matilda Berry (1798 - d.)
  • Anna Holcombe (1679 - 1753)
    Anne Pettibone Holcomb BIRTH 11 Mar 1679 Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA DEATH 12 May 1753 (aged 74) East Granby, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA BURIAL East Granby Cemetery, East Gr...
  • Anna Eliza Greer (deceased)

About the Holcombe surname


From Stirnet's "Holcombe1" page (link below): "1) Commoners reports that 'This family ... derives its name forom <should be from> its ancient inheritance, Holcome or Holtcombe, in the honor of Glocester, in the county of Devon' and notes that 'Holtcombe is compounded of holt, a Saxon word, signifying woody, and cum, or as written in Devonshire, Combe, a valley between two hills."


From Stirnet's "Holcombe1" page (link below): "(2) The upper section <of "Holcombe1" - from Symon de Holcombe, (I), of Hole to Sir? John Holcombe, (I), of Hole> comes from various web sites with no identification of source. It should be viewed with caution!"

other versions of this surname

other possible versions of this surname

see also