My maiden name is Alexandra Karus - ova. I was born in 1951 in Czech Republic. My father Petr Kartus was born 1907 in the middle part of Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia)colled Moravia, close to famus smoll town named "Slavkov". In year 1806 (100years before my father was born)there was big battle between Napoleon, Russian Cesar and Austrian Cesar. It was the bigest Napoleon's victory. Thousents of soldier on both sides were killed or injured. Some of them finde help from a local people. They took the soldiers to their homes and help them to recover. Some of them never left and married some of a local girls.My father told me that there was few French names, like Pier and other. One of the soldier was my grant,grant,grant - father. His name was "Cartouche" in french language. In Czech language it would be Kartu(s) - Kartush - but in some time the - sh - on the end of the name was lost and they started colled them Kartus.(Pron. just "s" on the end of the name) So, he was the French soldier in the Napoleon army. My father was for some more informations in local archives, but he was informed, that there was some fire (I do not remeber in what Year) and all the Birth informations are gone. I belive, for some reason, that his name was Andre, like my grandfather's and my son's. In the France, the people told me that the name "Cartouche" was often conected to soldiers or rebels, who liked to fight.