Arge-Kerren-Na and his son Epa-Ger-Gawa'ala,and Ar-Ge-Berren-Na were chieves of th tribe of A'enshera in the time of hometaking about 1666-1626 b.c..
They may have descended from A-Bar-Ra-Zha-Yad-te son of A-ma-lag-Ke-wa'ala son of A'enshera whose rasheena successors later found Bridt'ania for the brézhon and Cornwall,and as such be ancestors of kernuak and arberni of Gergobia as well as of arberesh tribes from Alba.
Jews and christians call them Akaran,Peu'el,Ibran,Asher,Berzawit and Malki'el.
Balázs Déri's opinion
Irish: reduced form of McCarron. German, Dutch, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from Middle High German kerne ‘kernel’, ‘seed’, ‘pip’; Middle Dutch kern(e), keerne; German Kern or Yiddish kern ‘grain’, hence a metonymic occupational name for a farmer, or a nickname for a small person. As a Jewish surname, it is mainly ornamental. English: probably a metonymic occupational name for a maker or user of hand mills, from Old English cweorn ‘hand mill’, or a habitational name for someone from Kern in the Isle of Wight, named from this word.