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Kessler Genealogy and Kessler Family History Information

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  • ? Kessler (deceased)
  • Adolf Kesler (1898 - 1920)
    Sündinud 1898 Jõhvis, õppis koos Majakuga Jõhvi ministeeriumikoolis ning suviti töötati koos jooksupoistena ja abitöölistena raudteel. Astus Tallinna kunstitööstuskooli, mobiliseeriti 1917, osales Petr...
  • Aksel-Meinhard Kessler (1916 - 2010)
    Laulatus: Saaga elk.27.0.5:54?1297,1382,1139,203,0 Sündis 28. 05. 1916 Võrus. Lõpetas Võru Rahvaharidusseltsi Ühisgümnaasiumi 1935.a. Õppis Tartu Ülikoolis 1935.-1939.a. metsandust, teoloogiat ja juu...

About the Kessler surname


  • family name was actually KISHON but at the border in russia they wrote down kessler
  • family name was spelled "Kestler" in CZ but was changed to "Kessler" when arrived in the US

-Interestingly, it seems that we’ve found quite a few different origins of the “Kessler” name. That said, in my family, it comes from Germany. It is believed that for some Kesslers, it could have been an occupational name for a kettle/cauldron maker.

other versions of this surname