Knavs family's ancestor might have once come from Knóssos in Kréta ( Kara-ya-Wata ) together with othersettlers calling themselves later karwat not just in today's Croatia but also in the territory of Slovenia , Karinthia and farther . The city was allegedly founded or developed by Minós ,the great legislator of Helléns , likely identical with whom hebrews call Am-Mes-Sha-Ha; Mexiko namely,home of maya and nawa peolples might have got his name too . Also Miknás / Meknes in Maghrab may be their colony meaning perhaps Mik-Knóss , the little Knóssos ( Kanawa-Awass ).
Jews and christians read Mosheh .
See Karwat,Kenézlőy,Karcsay,Zagrebac,Vinodolski,Rakús,Horát,Hrvatski,Górski and more !
Balázs Déri