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Krabbé Genealogy and Krabbé Family History Information

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  • Anne Iversdatter Krabbe (1543 - 1625)
  • Carin Eriksdotter Stålarm (c.1580 - c.1616)
    Eerik Juhananpoika Stålarmin kuoltua Pernon kartano jäi hänen leskensä Saara Tuomaantytär Rytingin haltuun. Niinkuin edellä on käynyt selville, Saara-rouvan isä oli ollut Turun linnanpäällikkö ja Kemiö...
  • Dorthe Clausdatter Daa, til Fraugdegaard (1617 - 1675)
    Fraugdegaard blev omtalt for første gang i 1397.Omkring år 1580 blev gården ophøjet til herregård under Oluf Daa og Dorthe Friis' ejerskab.Thomas Kingo ejede i en periode gården.Hovedbygningen blev opf...
  • Tim Krabbé
    Krabbé (born 13 April 1943) is a Dutch journalist and novelist.Krabbé was born in Amsterdam. His writing has appeared in most major periodicals in the Netherlands. He is known to Dutch readers for his ...
  • Heinrich Martin Krabbé (1868 - 1931)
    Leven en werk===Krabbé bezocht tussen 1883 en 1888 de Kunstnijverheidsschool en de Rijksacademie te Amsterdam waar hij lessen volgde van onder meer August Allebé en Rudolf Stang in tekenen, schilderen,...

About the Krabbé surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Krabbé surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Krabbé surname.

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